Pretty simple here. Who is the most detrimental to their franchises and who has done the worst job over the last 15 years?
Reasons are appreciated.....
Who doesnt have a "serious mental disorder" in this day and age? Its quite popular to blame your failings on the need for therapy and mommy not holding you enough.
Ok I took Andy Dalton...granted to cover one week this year, but this team just looks HORRIBLE.
Thoughts anyone? Will they manage to win 3 games this year?
Pretty much the summary on this is:
One Punch is going to be impossible to handcuff, because it would probably be on a series by series basis.
As far as Caldwell, Id drop him. The Bengals are a disaster.
I think they want to get their best defender accustomed to playing multiple positions so they can move him if a situation warrants it.
Youve got to take what Footballguys says with a grain of salt.
Why NCAA won't levy death penalty against Miami Hurricanes - Michael Rosenberg -
SI's Mike Rosenberg on why Miami will get away with out the Death Penalty.
Yeah its a damning article.....
Id figure the NCAA will have something out before bowl season. They need to give Miami recruits a month or two to take other offers if they are going to kill them (or make them wish they were dead).