

Baseball "Expert"
I have a perfect solution to this problem. The Patriots forfeit their 1st, 2nd and 3rd round draft picks in the 2016 and 2017 drafts. If anyone else is caught deflating footballs, they lose 5 picks a year for 2 years.
[Disclaimer: Pat's fan]

Anyone else find it interesting that in the Wells report it's documented that 4 IND footballs were also tested during the same playoff game, and one official measured 3 out of 4 below 12.5psi? I find it curious that they stopped at 4 but tested all 12 of NE's. If this wasn't a pre-arranged test, why wouldn't they test all 12 of both teams. And why is every other player/team/owner not saying a word? In my opinion no one wants to point a finger for fear of having the spotlight turned on them.

I am not trying to redirect blame. Where there's smoke there's fire. I believe Brady orchestrated those equipment guys to let air out of the footballs. He's guilty and should be suspended. I also think it will be 4 games (2 for the action and 2 for the stonewallings/lying). And it wouldn't surprise me if BB gets fined and/or suspended too just as Payton was for "ignorance". That said I also believe the outcry is more due to who it is rather than what it was. Comparing a semi-deflated football (one which had plenty of psi to actually be used in a game and not have the officials pull them out of the game when they handled them) to offering money to injure players is way off target. This is akin to using stickum. Both are illegal and both give an advantage to a player, but neither outright determines a win or a loss.

I know I'm going to get it for being a NE apologist but wanted to post this to continue the discussion.
Well, got the 4 games right... but :eek: ... also $1M fine for the franchise and the loss of 2016 1st and 2017 4th. Holy crap.
[Disclaimer: Pat's fan]
That said I also believe the outcry is more due to who it is rather than what it was.

I agree wholeheartedly.

The outcry IS about who it is...A group of KNOWN CHEATERS.

It's easier to look the other way when dealing with first offenders or people one deems to be generally fair and honest.

Seems like every year BB and Co. get caught trying to tip the scales and maybe the NFL is just sick of it.

Cry bias all you want but any judge anywhere looks at the rap sheet when determining guilt.
Seems like every year BB and Co. get caught trying to tip the scales and maybe the NFL is just sick of it.

Cry bias all you want but any judge anywhere looks at the rap sheet when determining guilt.

No, no I think the bias is with the fans not the NFL but I understand why you're saying it's justified due to their past. I also agree that this punishment says that the NFL is tired of this regime pushing the envelope, finding loopholes and breaking the rules for years. The games are for Brady, the fine and picks are for NE's body of work since and including Spygate.

As a fan, part of me doesn't blame the NFL at all. Enough is enough, is reasonable.
The Pats save $1 million dollars with this punishment. Hell, they save many Million because they won't have a #1 pick. They have proven they don't need one. The 4 games on Brady is the story here.
Well, I nailed the number of games, but am shocked they took picks as well. Good or not, 1st round picks lost hurt. 4th rounder in 2017 hurts as well.
As an Eagles fan my only concern is that we'll be playing Brady and the Cowboys will be playing Garapolio? Garrapolo? Who is he, again?
[Disclaimer: Pat's fan]

I know you love your Pats JScott but the shame should be sinking in right about now.

Claiming that texts referring to football handler McNally as the "Deflator" were in reference to his weight is just plain embarrassing.

The whole "cheating" thing aside, the lack of integrity displayed by this franchise would have me searching for a new favorite team.

....or at least a good supply of brown paper bags.
Appeal BS, if this gets reduced in any way, the NFL is a sham. Period. Too much evidence to go against them, and the fact it took THIS long to respond with a very crafted...or Krafted message just confirms my feelings of guilt. In my opinion, since they are pushing again, I up the suspension to 6 games, which they can do now I believe.
I know you love your Pats JScott but the shame should be sinking in right about now.

Claiming that texts referring to football handler McNally as the "Deflator" were in reference to his weight is just plain embarrassing.

The whole "cheating" thing aside, the lack of integrity displayed by this franchise would have me searching for a new favorite team.

....or at least a good supply of brown paper bags.

NE's response is absolutely embarassing. But they're my team and I'll sink or swim with them.
Appeal BS, if this gets reduced in any way, the NFL is a sham. Period. Too much evidence to go against them, and the fact it took THIS long to respond with a very crafted...or Krafted message just confirms my feelings of guilt. In my opinion, since they are pushing again, I up the suspension to 6 games, which they can do now I believe.

I agree Brady did this but the evidence is largely if not all circumstancial, technically. I believe that is the angle they're (including the NFLPA) going to try and take.