Would you have joined the standing ovation and wild cheers?

I probably would have joined the ovation.

These guys are here to entertain us. Who gives a darn about their personal life.

Dope, guns, domestic violence....who cares?

Other entertainers aren't held to any standard. No one ever boycotted a circus because the sword swallower slapped his old lady around.

...and there just ARE no rules in Hollywood.

Why should football be any different?
I thought it was sick and was disgusted. Being there to cheer him on is one thing, standing ovation for... what exactly?? is totally another. That said, had it been Forte, I'd be ecstatic at the briefness of suspension and might give him that kind of welcome...
Dope and guns don't bother me even a hundredth as much as domestic violence, however, so I do remain disgusted... Dope and guns are fine by comparison really
I would have given a standing ovation if he were carted away to prison for domestic violence. Otherwise, I would just as soon he put his helmet on, shut up, and stay out of my face. He got away with something he should not have, just because he plays football. Here is hoping he has another bad year...