New profile posts

You won the Playoff Pool. I am getting ready to leave for work in a camp up north in a couple days. Harvest is getting into best season right now. Do I have to worry about any allergies in your household. Gonna send you an extra slab of Smoked Salmon to try out the Curry recipe I posted. Let me know. Will be sending in a month or so. Give me a shipping addy. Thanks, AD
Mike, I'm having difficulty posting anything. I can like things, but not reply. What, if anything, can I do about it?
Tiger Bait...Tiger Bait! Hey Jesse and welcome to the forum. Give me a shout if I can help you out here.
I just picked up a Ford Escape (2013 with a 2.0 Ecoboost engine). I like it quite a bit. Its a bit bigger than my Focus, but not a whole lot.
Awesome, heading to Arkansas anytime soon in it? :)
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