Why are YOU getting a lump of coal??


Well-Known Member
Mostly because of my thoughtfulness (lack of). Just got back from the local drug store, 12:30 pm christmas eve, shopping for wife's xmas gifts. Pretty lame I know, but its the thought that counts, right? She was pretty much done all her shopping by the first of December. Not fair at all! Anyway, she's getting a cool comb, some awfully sweet socks and one of those things you flip pancakes with.
BTW- don't feel too sorry for her, she made me promise to take her see "Les Miserables" tomorrow as a gift. Well maybe I can get a nap in while there.
I changed the locks and through my wife out on Dec 14th. 4 days before her birthday. This has to rank up there for tops ever
Well I won't get a lump of coal.

Even a lump of coal requires someone to put it there so I will get neither "lump of coal" nor "Gold Watch". My stocking will be empty. Nothing bad, Nothing good. Just empty.