What Should We Do With Taiwan Jones?


Staff member
Unless you are playing in an 8 team league, TJ disappeared from the "available" list in your league.

The question now is: Now That You Have Him, What Do You Do With Him?

Here's the skinny on Jones.

6'0" 197 lbs. 2nd year out of Eastern Washington

Dude is FAST. SUPER FAST. (4.3 40). Fastest guy on the Raiders (yes, faster than Ford and Bey) and he'll be the fastest guy on the field in Baltimore. Dude can catch too. He's elusive, evasive and electric. Soapy Slippery. Carson Palmer said "I can't wait to get him in the open field". CB Michael Huff claims "You can't tell how fast he's running until you're up on him," Huff said. "By then he's out-run your angle and it's really too late."

While the other Raiders players are obviously excited to get him on the field, the coaches are little more tentative. He's injury prone and has fumbleitis. He's missed a lot of practice due to nagging injuries and misses assignments. Lightning in a broken bottle.

Other negatives are more general. Marcel Reese is documented and also in the mix for touches.The Raiders don't run, the Raiders can't block and the Raiders play from behind, however Palmer IS fond of tossing a late pass to a lingering RB.

CBS advises us to lay low and wait and see how his role plays put.

Bleacher Report says he is a must start in all formats (this week).

Personally, I'm gonna let him watch this week. I have a suitable replacement for Faddy and don't think I need a game breaker this week. I can seriously see this guy going APE this week, though.

Who else grabbed him and what are you going to do with him?
I have him, but not sure on the start at all esp baltimore... if anyone does it should be that squirrel's nuts award
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pundits or no, i think it's a bad matchup teamwise and sometimes those smaller matchups mean very little in that case. see thursday night's game where both RB had stellar matchups:rolleyes:
and I'm not putting my seal of approval on him either.

Don't misconstrue my post into being an endorsement for Jones.

I just find the situation interesting.

Really, we're talking this week.

I don't buy the garbage about Faddy being week to week. I'll wait and see what happens this week before I shove him in the line-up. Next week might be a different story.

One more injury and he'll be a starter for sure.
T.Jones is an unproven commodity, if Jones was to get some plays in then the Raiders wouldnt have gotten M.Goodson to back up D-Mac

M.Reece will get the start and the bulk of the carries, leave Jones on the bench
Some Oakland insight here.

Just giving my gut feeling T.Jones might not be all that good if 2 starters have to be sidelined with injuries to get his shot at playing behind Oakland's starting FB M.Reece.

If my math is correct that makes Jones 4th on the RB depth chart, you just never know
I did pickup 4 copies of Taiwan, He has the speed so you never know. Splitting carries with Reese Taiwan would probably have to run one in from the 12 to get a TD, you never know, worth the WW flier.