What do you prefer watching, the Pro Bowl or Combine


I like the Combine myself because most are trying their best to show what they've got. For some it is the one place to make a huge difference in their life. I don't know what to think of the Pro Bowl. Football to be "Football" as we are used to cannot be done in a melting pot of a team with little preparation. The chance to get hurt is also great so the level/intensity we are used to does not compare. I think hearing who is nominated outweighs the actual game. It is fun and a great social time but that is about it. I don't know if there is a way to make it great. The incentives and circumstances are just not there. To me it is similar to the entertainment level of a present day Globetrotter game. Oh well, it is just sinking in that the season is almost over.
Went to the pro bowl in 1995. Best part of the game was that they had a cheerleader from each team. We spent half the game checking them out and rating the best one. Saints representative was the clear winner..........

I was in Hawaii for 8 days. Great vacation with the Pro Bowl being the least entertaining thing I did...............