Week 6 MNF- How'd you do & what do you need tonight?


NY Football Giants @ Philadelphia Eagles. One league is over and I take an 81.2 point lead into tonight done vs Eli, Jennings, and the NYG kicker. I feel very safe but stranger things have happened at least once. What do you guys need to happen or not happen tonight?
I need Demarco to get 100 yds and a td in one league and Eli to go for 500 yds with 4 tds to Beckham in the other. Funny thing is I'm not sure which is more likely.

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whew I won both leagues that depended on last nights game . Won the one against ODe and Eli and Eagles kicker by plenty and won the one against Ertz and Murray by 1 point
Geez frickin stat correction on Murray gave him one extra point so i tied and tie breaker goes to whos QB had more points and he had stafford, unbelievable. Highest scorer in the league overall so far yet Im 3-3

Win turns to loss over 1 miscalculated point. Amazing.

I know it totally sucks for you, JJ, but the cream will rise to the top.