"Mohamed Massaquoi vs. ATL Massaquoi rebounds with Delhomme returning. Although being the best receiver in Cleveland is like being the tallest midget."
Fred Jackson at #11!!! Holy? Is that purely a matchup situation? Or are you predicting him to return to top 15 RB rest of the way based on the trade?
Also worried about DeSean, hurts to see him outside top 10 against the 49ers? Is that the Kolb factor based on the last game? Might take a while for him to get going again?
On the D side, no way im going with Minny at #3, they have just been total garbage for me and just 4 sacks. I just dont see the jets taking too many chances with LT-Green back there. Is there something that makes you think they rebound this week? Pumped cause of Moss?