Local (4-5): Up 25.5 w/ Wash D vs Mendy & Wallace - Faced Matt Cassel and his 40 pts....toss up.
Shula (4-5): Up .2 vs Maclin - Unless Maclin trips coming off the bus, I'm screwed. Looks like my playoff streak is over.
HG's (7-2): Down 37.01 w/ Brady, D Jackson, Cooley, Graham, Eagles D vs Maclin - This is going to be close. This was looking ugly for AD until Bowe and Mike Williams went off for him. Toss Up
BWW (8-1): Up 32 w/ Eagles D vs Vick - I wanted a lead of 30 going into Monday night and have 32.....it will be close, but I am hoping I can get a few from the Philly D and hold off Vick.
IB (6-3): Up 21.7 vs Roeth - Must be the week for too close to call. He has not scored more than this yet this year, but you never know.
Prog FL (8-2): Win by 2, got lucky, started a kicker on bye and still lucked out.
Z 48 (7-2): up 36.15 vs Mayo & Vick - Another toss up
OC (6-3): Down 14.9 w/ Vick & Gronkowski vs Mendy, DJax, Ward, McIntosh - Don't like my chances at all.