So this is where the relocation program hid all of the regulars from that OTHER site from back in the early 2000's. Good to see some of the old names.
Got a trade option that I'm struggling with, and was hoping for some advise.
In the 4th of a 5 year/ 3 man keeper. PPR. 6 all TD's. Otherwise standard. 12 team, roster limits 4RB/5WR max. Start QB/2RB/2WR/TE/K/D. $300/yr buy.
Keepers were named Sunday. I had to drop Deangelo to keep ADP, SJax and Fitz. Redraft is non-snake, worst to first. Through a couple of trades, my picks this year- 1.10, 2.4, no 3rd, and 10th pick in 4-13.
Question- The guy with 1.1 has offered it, and Welker, for SJax and 1.10.
So I would be trading SJax and best WR available at 1.10 (probably the likes of Bowe, Coles, VJax or Bryant) for DWill and Welker. For this year, my rankings have the trade equalling about a wash, but the final year of the keeper is next year, and SJax has much more keeper value than DW, IMO.
What would be a realistic comeback to his offer? He has 1.1, 2.6, 3.1 and the 8th pick in rds 4-13.
Got a trade option that I'm struggling with, and was hoping for some advise.
In the 4th of a 5 year/ 3 man keeper. PPR. 6 all TD's. Otherwise standard. 12 team, roster limits 4RB/5WR max. Start QB/2RB/2WR/TE/K/D. $300/yr buy.
Keepers were named Sunday. I had to drop Deangelo to keep ADP, SJax and Fitz. Redraft is non-snake, worst to first. Through a couple of trades, my picks this year- 1.10, 2.4, no 3rd, and 10th pick in 4-13.
Question- The guy with 1.1 has offered it, and Welker, for SJax and 1.10.
So I would be trading SJax and best WR available at 1.10 (probably the likes of Bowe, Coles, VJax or Bryant) for DWill and Welker. For this year, my rankings have the trade equalling about a wash, but the final year of the keeper is next year, and SJax has much more keeper value than DW, IMO.
What would be a realistic comeback to his offer? He has 1.1, 2.6, 3.1 and the 8th pick in rds 4-13.