Thursday Night Showdown


Staff member
The stage is set.

The opening act of NFL 2010 is on the marquis and the players are two of '09s best.

The Minnesota Vikings star in a rerun of the NFC championship game down in the land of debauchery and chaos that is know as New Orleans.

This scripted rematch wields more drama than any fan could ask for. Revenge, Karma and come-up-ance will all factor in on this emotional Thursday night showdown.


What makes this game special is that it's a match up of last years over achievers.

Vikes and Saints were both on a fantasy cruise and both can expect their ships to dock at reality harbor this year.

The Vikings have a legitimate team except for the injuries and the ghoul that is playing QB.

The Saints are a house of cards with Brees the rock it is built on. Funny how a strong Brees keeps the house in tact but a weak Brees will topple it.

It's a critical game for both teams because both will be struggling to keep their heads above water later in the year.

I give the edge to N.O. playing in the dome but worry that maybe the Saints are due to pay the witch doctor that granted them a ring.
Pretty average game <ho-hum>.

Saints strutted their stuff on the opening drive and after that it was plain vanilla.

Bush was a highlight in the 1st quarter, Thomas in the 4th and the WRs are almost too plentiful to list.

Favre looked like a guy who hasn't practiced since last year and that made the WRs look bad. Shianco had a nice game and Harvin just needs someone who can throw to him.

Both teams are fantasy poison IMO except for AP, who still looks like the best RB in football. Brees will be elite if Payton lets him.
Yeah, not quite what I expected, sure not an electric start to the season. Shiancoe could be the sleeper again this year since no one seemed to think he could repeat, Favre just simply loves that guy.
Yeah, not quite what I expected, sure not an electric start to the season. Shiancoe could be the sleeper again this year since no one seemed to think he could repeat, Favre just simply loves that guy.

Who predicted an uptick in his stats on our podcast? Two thumbs pointing at this guy!