I thought the lions would have a quick, icarus-ian crash to earth... staff, tron, leshoure... although staff is (hopefully) coming back to salvage something... the team for sure
I thought the saints/brees would rise from the ashes with a vengeance... brees did... i guess... still holdin a glimmer for saints
I thought the bears would kick ass... but on the offensive side much moreso
I thought CJ2k was done... could be hes back...
I thought the signing of fred jackson meant spiller was gonna be huge... kinda a push at this point
I thought hernandez was going to have the monster TE year
I thought Mathews was gonna be a MONSTER
I thought manning/broncos would really put it together... i shouldnt even mention it, but look at my two longshot sb bets...
I thought this was Redman's year
I thought RG3 would outperform Luck in their ROOKIE campaign
I thought the pats would RUN (ok, there was a lot of evidence), and welker was done
I thought Marshawn Lynch was on the decline