There's no doubt now, Best is done


He is suing the NFL and the helmet maker over the concussions that he suffered. You'd have never seen this happen if he thought he could still play.
To me this is akin to a fireman suing the fire department because he was burned on the job. Duh, you didn't know it was hot? Come on Best, you suffered concussions in college. Hell you may have had your first one on the day you were born for all we know.
To me this is akin to a fireman suing the fire department because he was burned on the job. Duh, you didn't know it was hot? Come on Best, you suffered concussions in college. Hell you may have had your first one on the day you were born for all we know.
Normally I would agree.

However, we learned somewhat that there are potential options for helmet improvements ownership didn't want to spend on to test. Add to that, the lack of control by the league to enforce concussion issues UNTIL they were sued.

Still, NFL is an awful big wind mill to tilt at....
Here's what had to say about Best.

"This can't end well for Best, who had concussion issues coming into the league. It's hard to imagine he wasn't well aware before he put on the shield. The suit against Riddell is also a bit hard to swallow given the warnings on the helmet. On top of everything else, it's sad because the Lion treated Best very well once it became clear he was done, keeping him on so he could get another year towards pension. "