The WR Possession Rule NFL


TXL: Pimp Hand Strong
Staff member
Ok i might be a bit biased but this maintaining control after a catch shit is getting rediculous.

Case in point:

Andre Johnson catches the ball and is wrestling with the CB. Goes down and they both slide out of bounds but the catch is the refs are too tied up watching them wrestle to blow the whistle.

6 ft out of bounds and the ball comes loose.

Indy challenges and says that its a NO CATCH.

How long does a wr have to hold onto a damn ball until the play is ruled "over"?

a good 3 seconds after they slid out of bounds and then you see the ball basically pinned to the front of the pecker region.

This shit is getting out of control...are we getting to the point now where a WR can catch the ball and 10 seconds after the play is over can drop the ball and its ruled a non catch?

I'm seriously ticked off..
What? You can't expect the refs to say you maintain control unless you have complete control of the ball from the time it leaves the QB's hand to the time you hand it to the referee.

No longer is the weak excuse "I only let it go after we were out of bounds, Coach! I had possession while I was on the field and kept it all the way for at least 3 seconds until we were both completely out of bounds" acceptable.

With replay calls like that they should ban replays.