The Fantasy Death Of MJD


Staff member
We saw it happen with Bush and I believe MJD will suffer the same fate.

A very good running back becomes the victim of a teams game plan to "get the ball into his hands" more.

Bush was a decent fantasy option as long as Deuce was pounding out yardage and keeping backers up for a beat. Deuce is removed from the picture, Saints declare Bush their "All Everything" back....Bush disappears.

A top 10 RB is now being drafted somewhere around the 4th round.

Certainly injury was the cause for the decline in yards but injury doesn't effect talent and potential to the extent it did Bush. Westy is still top 15. Jackson is still top 15. Portis is still top 15.

MJD and his over hyped, inflated value this year will be the biggest disappointment in fantasy football. Not because he isn't good but because the plan to "get the ball into his hands" and position him all over the field will ultimately result in MJD becoming more of a decoy than a producer.

Playing multiple positions also seems to increase the likelihood of injury.

The other result of Reggie becoming the "All Everything" guy was the emergence of Pierre Thomas who, incidentally, is being drafted BEFORE Bush in many leagues this year.

If you got duped into drafting MJD, cut your predictable losses by making sure you have Greg Jones and try to pick up Rashad Jennings off the wire around mid-season. Jennings will probably be the "Pierre Thomas" for next year but they'll use Jones in the interim.

I predict the same fate for Chris Johnson also, but since he's going late 1st/early 2nd his demise will not be as devastating to owners.
I can agree to the extent that I would recommend people to pay attention to Jennings... this year.

Johnson's role may change if Ringer continues to outperform my expectations. I see that one taking longer to materialize though.
I don't think we'll here much of Ringer once the season starts and I really don't see CJ wearing down this season with LenDale still hanging around. CJ will put up very similiar #'s to last season IMO.
I think CJs numbers will go down this year. That offense has issues. And I could see them throwing in Ringer for some plays as well. Not a lot but some. As far as MJD, I believe he will for sure be top 5 in league, possibly ending the season in the top 3. It is a for sure pick if you have one of the top 3 picks in a draft. They are not using him just for a decoy, they are using him because they know he is one of the most talented players on the team and they have the best shot at scoring if they get it into his hands. As with everyone, there is always chance for injury. Unfortunately, in the fantasy world you cannot predict that. It could happen to ANYONE. Yes, being on the field more creates an increased risk but it is the chance you take. I would not hesitate to take MJD with #2 overall pick. But that is my opinion.
They are not using him just for a decoy, they are using him because they know he is one of the most talented players on the team and they have the best shot at scoring if they get it into his hands.

I didn't mean to imply that the Jags are using him as a decoy. I'm sure their plan is exactly what they say it is...But when you label a guy "THE Offense", and move him around, the defenses follow. It creates easy plays elsewhere and since the goal is to get the ball in the end-zone the other players benefit.

It'll take a season to prove or disprove my theory but Bush is one of the most talented players on the team too. He's going in the 4th which is where MJD should be going too.
MJD and Bush are two totally different players with two totally different styles of running the ball. MJD is a much more powerful runner, more of a traditional RB. MJD will not be "the offense" in Jacksonville, he'll be the primary back and he'll get spelled when he needs rest and I think he'll have a pretty good year.
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