Texas A&M makes it official - Leaving Big 12

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
Austin sports news and Longhorns | Statesman.com

Now whats interesting about this is Mike Slive's trouble with his presidents. He has them warmed up to the idea of taking the Aggies, but only if he gets a 14th team to come. The SEC presidents reportedly want to add two and then "thats it, no more". Rumor is they will target Virginia Tech. Could be interesting.

On the replacement front the early favorite to join the Big 12 is BYU. The ESPN owned Longhorn Network is already hard at work ****ing off this fan base by trying to put the BYU/Texas game this year on the Longhorn Network. The problem there is BYU is hard pressed to fight it with ESPN already owning their TV rights as well.

Im glad to see the Aggies go, but I, along with many UT fans, hate this ESPN ran network. Just make the damn thing a conference network already and lets get on with it.
Making it a conference network maybe what is needed to save the conference. Big 12 really needs one big new team instead of just fillers though - and I have no idea where they can get one from.
A&M coming to the SEC is great. They bring alot into it, so its a great addition. Addition of VT would make the SEC that much stronger. Not big on them tho, would rather see a different team from the ACC come in, like FSU instead. VT i understand tho, opens up a bigger recruiting area along with A&M. This should really heat up the rivalry between them and LSU. Still hearing they will keep their annual game with UT going each year. Bet that changes tho. Cant play the brutal SEC and schedual a brutal game just fro bragging rights.
This years A&M/UT game will be the last one for awhile. Price of business.

Honestly, I dont think A&M really brings you anything but a 7 win team your heavyweights can feast on. They cant compete with you guys and you already have a strong following in our state. Now if it brings you VT, go for it.