Raider Rant


"Its An Outrage"

Tom Cable: Grow a spine and bench Russell

O-Line: Open some holes so McFadden can at least get positive yards

J.Russell: Please bench yourself for the remainder of the the season, and give 3/4 of your salary back before the FBI gets involved and charges you with extortion.

McFadden: Your just an over payed embarrassment

Heyward-Bey: At least you signed before train camp to a undeserving contract

Shane Lechler: 8 punts 53.4 per. today. Your are the only player stepping up year after year
Do they even have a backup QB? A fan out of the stands can't play any worse than J. Russell. So far this season it seems Oakland and TB are fighting to get the first pick in the draft to get a QB.
OMG, if the Bucs spend a draft pick to get a QB in the first next year I'm going to ****ing scream. Tim Tebow, and I'm freaking done! Remember Miller, I reserve the right to take straws back!
It's completely amazing that both the Bucs and the Raiders battled it out in the SUPERBOWL just a few years ago. This gives new meaning to the commemorative shot glass in my collection from the Feb 2002 game.

Right now the best we can all do is to circle the toilet bowl and the only person who can really laugh about all this is Jeff Garcia.

I'm just grateful that the Glazers aren't cut from the same cloth as Al Davis.
It's completely amazing that both the Bucs and the Raiders battled it out in the SUPERBOWL just a few years ago. This gives new meaning to the commemorative shot glass in my collection from the Feb 2002 game.

Right now the best we can all do is to circle the toilet bowl and the only person who can really laugh about all this is Jeff Garcia.

I'm just grateful that the Glazers aren't cut from the same cloth as Al Davis.

The Superbowl teams of which you speak were ironically both built by Jon Gruden.
The Superbowl teams of which you speak were ironically both built by Jon Gruden.

Not exactly true. The Bucs team was built by Tony Dungy. Gruden was the merely the weekend warrior who sailed in at the last minute and rode the tidal wave to the Lombardi Trophy. Even Gruden made it clear many times that "his" offense takes years to fully learn and incorporate.
While I agree with that almost completely Rachelle, I must say this: Gruden is one hell of a freaking coach. Seriously, the ability to even go 9-7 when he did with the crap cluster of players that we had is a miracle. That guy can coach his ass off. I've never been the biggest Gruden fan, but no one has ever heard me say that I wanted him out when he was here. Our offense was never what it was pre-Gruden.

And even though Dungy is the freaing man, our defense, yes I said our defense, would not have done as well as it did in that Super Bowl if he were coaching it. What Gruden ended up bringing to the table was pretty much the Raider play book. The Bucs defense was so spectacular in that game because Gruden pretty much could call every play the Raiders called before they snapped the ball.
Although Gruden's unique and fortunate exposure into the Raider's organization did give him the tactical advantage during the big game... the Tampa Defense that scored half of the final score's points were executed by Dungy's Defense.
3 of our INT were because our defence literally called the play before it happened. Because Gruden ran those plays against them religiously in preparation.