Player suspensions may be overturned


Well-Known Member
Judge Berrigan is hearing Vilma's case... and from all accounts I've read, seems very sympathetic, referring to Goodell and citing several examples of him "slicing the salami very thin" and that Goodell's punishment of players for actions not on the field "borders on ridiculous." The NFL lawyer is arguing that basically the court has no jurisdiction, and not challenging any player testimony - not the tact I would've gone with... The judge is also reportedly fast-tracking Vilma's lawsuit as well as one from the NFLPA regarding Fujita, Hargrove (Damn yous packers!), and Smith. Judging by what I've heard and the inexplicable move by the NFL lawyers, we can look forward to Vilma's suspension lifted, along with some other players'. :cool:

(except hargrove hopefully, **** that guy)
Sorry don't believe this will happen. This was all collectively bargained. I see no way for a judge to throw it out.
Really do not like the idea of a judge impossing what he thinks is right on a private business.

He can have any opinion he wants but all that would happpen if he "overturned" the suspensions is that it would be moved up the chain and he would be overturned.

If he really needs a prior case as an example all he has to do is look at what happened with Maurice Clarett.
Really do not like the idea of a judge impossing what he thinks is right on a private business.

He can have any opinion he wants but all that would happpen if he "overturned" the suspensions is that it would be moved up the chain and he would be overturned.

If he really needs a prior case as an example all he has to do is look at what happened with Maurice Clarett.
yep, that is what I was thinking
it's a "she," actually... and "moved up the chain" means what, exactly, up to higher courts? sure, it doesn't mean anything yet, but what happens when we're still amidst appeals but vilma is granted the the order and legally allowed to participate in camps/preseason/games? And a judge can certainly "impose" on a private corporation... from quotas, to probationary practices, to certification practices, the list goes on. There is a heck of a lot more precedence here than just maurice clarett's cheeseburger stuffed ass. Especially in the case of such a clearly monopolistic company and one that can so quickly libel a man's name and destroy his livelihood.
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Ok - she - my bad.

Any decision regardless of the outcome will be appealed to the fifth circuit.

In the case the NFL loses this one than I believe it will be overturned.

Hell even when there seemed to be a law on the side of the players (StarCaps) the NFL still won. In this case there is no law that the players can fall back on.