Thomas (knee) participated fully in Wednesday's practice, the New Orleans Times-Picayune reports. Mike Bell missed Wednesday practice. Pierrre Thomas rushed back into practice last week no doubt watching Mike Bell's success with a bit of alarm. He wasn't full strength yet but serious competition has been know to make injuries heal much quicker. :grin:
Mike Bell is a bit banged up now, missing Wednesdays practice which is no big deal. But while Pierre rushed back a bit early he may actually be back to full strength this week. Mike Bell might find himself healing a bit faster this week himself.
So the battle for playing time will really be on this week!! Pierre Thomas owners will be hopeful and Mike Bell owners a little more nervous. The only real loser here are Saints opponents. Then there is that Reggie guy.
Mike Bell is a bit banged up now, missing Wednesdays practice which is no big deal. But while Pierre rushed back a bit early he may actually be back to full strength this week. Mike Bell might find himself healing a bit faster this week himself.
So the battle for playing time will really be on this week!! Pierre Thomas owners will be hopeful and Mike Bell owners a little more nervous. The only real loser here are Saints opponents. Then there is that Reggie guy.