NFL, Supreme Court could ruin Sports


Seems like they are really over dramatizing this. If leagues try to take these extreme routes with future decisions, it will only hurt the leagues long term, and they will be forced to reconsider.

We are getting the union's side of the story here, and you can be sure much of their dramatic response here is because they stand to lose alot, depending on the outcome of this case.

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
I agree with you, it is a bit dramatic, however, if the NFL is able to beat the Sherman Act they can truly do everything they want.


Pitbulls on Crack
Considering the implications of a NFL victory in this case I don't think they are being overly dramatic.

If leagues try to take these extreme routes with future decisions, it will only hurt the leagues long term, and they will be forced to reconsider.

Mike, will they reconsider before it is too late?

Sgt John

Sith Lord of T&A
Im not Mike, but no they wont. Emperor Goodell is a power crazed dictator who wants it all HIS way. Goodell would be just fine without having to deal with the NFLPA and calling the shots to his favor.


The first thing to understand is that there are big problems with ownership, but there are also big problems with unions and players.

The things being stated in this article are from the mouths of the union leaders. They want this to sound as bad as possible in order to get their way.

As for the NFL changing their tune on some of this, they will have no choice. There is a small competitor waiting in the wings called the UFL, that is more than willing to take on more players and build their league. Had the NFL gotten this overbearing back when the XFL was trying to take off, the XFL would have been a success.


Bacon=greatest of all!
This does seem to have some pretty serious ramifications. I wonder though, if the NFL has thought about the possible problems that could arise if they win this decision.

If the NFL is considered legally as a single entitiy then what would stop a low market team owner such as say Kansas City from suing the league for absolute revenue sharing. The kind where even individual stadium proceeds, concessions, apparel, and perhaps even parking fees etc would have to be spread out among the 32 teams equally.

If that happened I could imagine Jerry Jones would be really really pissed if he had to share all the proceeds that his new billion dollar stadium could bring in with all the other teams while he only gets an equal share himself.