NFL Offseason = Crime time??


Expert on nothing, opinionated on everything
Okay the superbowl is only one week old, and here is the blotter already for off-season shenanigans....

1) Deflate Gate - they have all kinds of rumors, but no action....this could get messy
2) Text Gate - per alot of reports, they have proof that texting down to sidelines has happened in a game, and that is a clear offense, Hoyer also stated it would effect his decision if he comes back or not.....looking at potential draft pick loss and or Fine for Browns here.
3) Josh Gordon - gone for season due to failed drug test (alcohol)
4) Johnny Manziel - Rehab - alcohol
5) Letroy Guion GB DT - Possession of marijuana, and illegal arms possession.
6) Le'Veon Bell - litigation on his DUI and marijuana possesion is done, so he now faces judgement from NFL. Look for short suspension there.
7) D'Qwell Jackson LB Ind - beat up a pizza delivery driver in a fight over a parking spot
8) Atlanta Falcons - illegally pumping crowd noise into the stadium in home games - Owner has already said they were guilty.

Yikes, and its ONLY one week folks!
Greg Hardys case got dismissed. There is one bright spot
Actually not. Per reports, he was found guilty in his bench trial, or he pleaded no contest, the NFL was waiting for his Public trial(NC law) to be completed. So now they can move forward, but reports, he will face a suspension, and if what came out in that bench trial is true, he deserves to be kicked out. That being said, if it gets proven he paid the girl off to not participate in his public trial, he also may be facing obstruction of justice charges.
Haven't had time to get that in depth lately.

But don't people/companies pay people all the time to keep a criminal trial from happening ala insurance or accidents ect?
Haven't had time to get that in depth lately.

But don't people/companies pay people all the time to keep a criminal trial from happening ala insurance or accidents ect?
yes, but in this case, if it was found he "paid" his girlfriend off, then it can be obstruction. My understanding is, they are saying it was a civil case settlement, so if there was paperwork on that, he may be fine. That being said, NFL is a whole different matter, and my guess is he is facing a huge non-paid suspension this year.