New 8 Team League, 6th pick...


New Member
Hello have a the 6th pick in a 8 team league. Its PPR, and we start two QBs... Also the QBs get 6pts a TD the same as WRs and RBs. So this league is QB heavy. RBs seem to have the least value. I want to go QB QB with my first 2 picks. But I know one person is going to pick D. Brees before me. That means P. Manning and T. Brady mite all go before my pick. Most of the people in my league are new. We start 2 QBS, 2RBs, 2WRs, 1W/R, 1 TE, 1 K, 1 Def. If T. Brady and Manning are gone I am thinking I go WR, WR, WR, in the first 3 rounds. I am thinking I could have 3 of the following. R. Moss, Fritz, A.J., C.J, G. Jennings, Colston. Colston may be able to be picked up in the 4th. My Qbs still could be M. Shaub, J. Cutler, Big Ben, Palmer. What do yall think?


New Member
I decided I will not go WR WR even if Brady, Manning, and Brees are taken before me. I will chose Either, Forte/MJD/AJ/Moss...