My wife wants y'alls help


She isn't able to get on line for some reason and ask herself. She needs to drop a TE from her team. It a ppr league. Would y'all drop F Davis of the skins or J Carlson of the hawks? She needs another QB because Ryan isn't helping of late. She's looking at picking up and starting Jake vs Miami or Garrard vs Buf. I lean towards Jake because Buf is sneaky good against the pass and Garrard is so darn streaky. What say y'all Outlaws, can you give CatFish your opinions. She's 1 /2 games back of two teams in a wildcard chase with 4 to go.
Drop Davis and pick-up Garrard (without seeing her roster or available QBs)

I'm not sure Vince Young wouldn't be a better pick up than both of them.
CatFish had to go to bed. She's a school teacher and those kids require lots of sleep. I am to call her at midnight to tell her what you guys think, if anything. She must make a waiverwire move by 12:30 central.

Tekie the Young idea isn't a bad one. I had not considered it until you brought him up. His schedule isn't too bad either. None of these 3 QB's have a killer schedule ahead of them.