Leon Washington or a handcuff?!?

#1bears fan

New Member
Is he worth a roster spot?? Looks like hes emerging to be the #1. As of now he sits on the WW and Id like to wait unti after Saturdays game, but after Saturdays game might be too late. If not should I snag Jackson to handcuff Grant or Norwood to handcuff Turner.
I'm with tekie here. I would grab Leon myself. like you said he could be the main guy in Seattle if he does good Sat. If He does good then it is too late.

Hasndcuffs can be tricky because in most cases the handcuff will be less than spectacular if given a full load. In that case not very useful. Now if a backup looks electric every time he is on the field, fine handcuff him. I have Benson in a couple of leagues and did handcuff him with Bernard Scott as he looks like a real weapon when he touches the ball. I have Ryan Grant in a couple of leagues and didn't handcuff him as Jackson doesn't really inspire me. Norwood has talent but he is a speed merchant that is always dinged up and Snelling could steal a lot of action if there is no Turner.

The short of it is I am usually looking for as many weapons as possible for my squads. Players that produce and are pushing for a starting assignment, I would rather have your RBs talented backup on my squad then my RBs untalented backup.......... Weapons vs insurance policies.

Grab Washinton, you can always dump him after Saturday if he sucks.
