Keeper Question

Non-ppr standard scoring w/bonuses for 15 carries, 7 rec. 1 keeper per team. My local 10 team $$ league

Chris Johnson
Andre Johnson
Calvin Johnson

I have no 2nd rd pick and do not know which spot I'll draft from (draw from a hat)

Here is who I know will be kept:

R. Moss
P. Manning
P. Thomas
I'd go with Calvin. He put up good numbers last year with no QB so if Stafford can be solid Calvin will have an even better year.
I like Calvin based on your scoring system but your adversaries are hoarding RB's.

That means lots of WRs left in the draft.

Chris Johnson is no shoe in for 15 carries but given the projected keepers of your opponents I'd say keep Chris.

If you keep a WR and then Draft RB #1 you might get lucky and score MJD or Forte or you might find yourself drafting a tier 2 RB with your first pick...Not pretty.

Keep Chris, draft WR 1 , come back with RB (K.Smith, L. Johnson, D. McFadden, etc) in 3, go WR in 4, then what ever makes sense in round 5 etc.

And let me say, I'm honored to be able to offer advice to the master. :respect:
I'm confused as to why someone who enrolled in double-digit leagues in 2009 is asking keeper advice????

I would go Chris Johnson or Andre Johnson.

Leaning chris for the bonus you get for 15 carries or more.

Of the receivers...only Andre has the potential for more than 506 carries in a game.

Calvin might..but they will focus on the run to protect the qb..and if the rookie starts..TE will get hot reads.

But i think i would still go Chris.
I'm confused as to why someone who enrolled in double-digit leagues in 2009 is asking keeper advice????


b/c of the following:

1. I'm a Lions fan and it sometimes clouds my judgement
2. This league has some goofy scoring
3. The no draft pick in the 2nd rd. has me going back and forth.
4. All of these players are relatively close in value