KC Mayor urges NFL to pledge not to lock out players


Last week Kansas City mayor Mark Funkhouser wrote a letter to Kansas City Chiefs chairman Clark Hunt asking for the owners to pledge against a lockout citing what his city — and presumably other NFL markets — stand to lose should the NFL players union and owners not come to an agreement on the highly-debated CBA.

The Kansas City Star printed the letter Monday:

Dear Mr. Hunt:

I have followed with concern the media reports about a looming lock out in the game that I love with all of my heart. It is clear that the vast popularity and financial success of football means that a lock out cannot be in the interest of anybody involved, particularly the fans, workers or businesses who support the game. I understand the need for both sides to create pressure, but I also know that at times it is important to decrease tenor and tone in order for the right deal to be made in a non-emotional atmosphere.

Accordingly, I call upon the owners to announce to the fans that they will not lock out the players. The players already have pledged to not strike...

Kansas City mayor Mark Funkhouser urges NFL owners to pledge against a lockout - NFL News | FOX Sports on MSN
If they can get together a bit they could have some clout. they a a big part of the financial picture. Most NFL teams bring in millions to a city for each game that is played there. While the owners and players take part in their CBA battle the cities themselves have a big stake in the outcome. A big price is paid in every NFL city if games are not played there. Some cities and states have invested in stadiums but even those who didn't spend city revenues to upgrande roads and access to the stadiums. Encouraging businesses to invest in the Stadium area. A lot of area revenue is lost if a lockout happens and some unity could give them some clout in say the courts. State and local courts have kept the Williams players on the Vikes from having to serve their suspensions of a couple of years. Some unity could result in some Federal court action/ pressure being applied.
If they could get together I could see some hope of it happening. BTW the way has been cleared now for the NFL to suspend the Williams players.