It's The Last Sunday Without Football


Staff member
7 months we've been without meaningful football.

30 Sundays spent doing something that we wouldn't have been doing if there had been football.

180 Hrs that we didn't demand the television and insist on not being interrupted.

It's been a dry half year but all that is over. Starting next week we get to resume our rightful position on the Throne of viewing and indulge our senses with the sights and sounds of the NFL.

What changes now that football is back?

Will your spouse miss you or be glad that you're occupied?

Will the yard work go undone or just be pushed to another time slot.

What foods will reappear in your pantry that you haven't seen there since February?

Will you see friends you haven't seen in months ... and forget to see friends that you have?

Does your bedtime change?

Will your children vanish or pull up a chair next to you?

Just some of the thoughts I've had on this...the final gray Sunday.
I love it when you wax poetic..... tekie!!

I made an effort to warm up for NFL Sundays by eating Nachos today.
You can bet that I won't be on the tractor next Sunday morning as I was today. Lunch would not be fried fish and frog legs as it is today and we would not be watching storage wars if this was a football Sunday.
As secluded and predictable as my life is, the changes here will be profound.

I NEVER watch TV but now will dust off the rabbit ears and do the Al Bundy shuffle trying to get decent reception.

I NEVER have company but now will have a steady date on Sunday at noon. That means more house work and less yard work. (not that I ever do much of either).

Rotel dip, sausage balls and Wick Fowlers Chili will reappear in the appropriate storage areas.

I'll stay up later on Sunday and Monday night yet get up earlier on Monday and Tuesday morning which leads to feeling like CRAP at work those 2 days.

Mud will reappear as a frequent caller and most other calls won't be answered.
A little Longmire on right now, great show.

I will give that Rotel dip a shot...... Wick Fowlers Chili sounds like it is worth a bit of searching to find.

Rabbit ears..... or as Arctic Dawgs used to call it...... Farm TV

My social life doesn't really uptick.....but life seems more enjoyable even though my overall situation is less than exciting.