How important is the point spread to you?


At the beginning of any wager, you get the, "What's the spread?" or words to that effect.
So in a bet involving money(favor/risk), the spread is what makes it a meal.
That's not what I'm talking about.

In making your argument about who you think will win, what factor does the spread play?
Absolutely none. That's a ridiculous question.

The spread is no indication of what is going to happen in a football game. It's simply the number Vegas puts on it in order to try to get the public to put an even amount of money on both sides.

I hope this isn't going to turn into some "the fix is in" conversation.
I don't think the spread has anything to do with the conversation either.
for some reason some people at least seem to think it matters.

but point taken ER.

and if I may say, you sound a little backed up.

In my mind this thread has nothing to do with fixing.
but i can see how people could think that.

It's just that every time I get into a conversation with a friend of mine over football, the spread seems to be were the conversation starts. And I just don't get that.
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statistically the spread isn't a factor even in betting... and rook is exactly right, you'd be amazed how well it works too, and how spreads are affected by the overall fandom's optimism level - i.e. the bears are ALWAYS overvalued spreadwise. Dumbass meatheads ALWAYS think they will pull it out. All that said, the spread is for sure something i take into account every time i go to the window.