Herschel Walker to return to NFL?


(KFFL) Former NFL RB Herschel Walker said he is considering a return to professional football, according to Franklin McNeil, of ESPN.com. "I've told everyone that at 50 I might try football again to show people I can do that," Walker said Monday, Jan. 24, during a conference call to promote his upcoming mixed martial arts fight. "I want to be the George Foreman of football, come back and do that one more time." Walker has two destinations he says he would consider for a possible NFL comeback. "The two teams I would come back to play for are Minnesota or Atlanta," Walker said. "It would probably be Atlanta because that's home for me. I'm a Georgia boy. That's just home."

Walker is in amazing shape and just ripped. I'd like to see him give it a go.
Guy is in amazing condition and won his first MMA fight last year. I'd love to see him try for the pure entertainment of it....if someone could do it, Hershel would be one of a few that could give it a ride. On same note, Jerry Rice was on ESPN radio today and stated that he could still do some things on the field that could help an NFL team, maybe they can come back at a combo rate :biglaugh:
I remember when Jim Brown used to say he was coming back as well. :biglaugh: Stuff hurts more and longer when you get older. When you're 50 you're near needing medicine to keep you from breaking your own bones in your everyday life.
I remember when Jim Brown used to say he was coming back as well. :biglaugh: Stuff hurts more and longer when you get older. When you're 50 you're near needing medicine to keep you from breaking your own bones in your everyday life.
And yet Walker is busy breaking other guys bones in a steel cage......it's not like he's not engaged in a phsically demanding sport already.

I'm not saying he'd pull this off successfully or for very long at all.....but I would love to see him try. Just the attempt would be one hell of a story.
There's no way, no how he could play in the NFL at the age of fifty. Sure it'd be interesting to see him try kind of like a truck wreck on the side of an interstate is interesting.
There's no way, no how he could play in the NFL at the age of fifty. Sure it'd be interesting to see him try kind of like a truck wreck on the side of an interstate is interesting.

Interesting b/c many said the same thing about him in regards to breaking into MMA in his upper 40's by learning the sport from scratch......but he won his first fight and has another coming up. Look at these highlights......tell me that he looks like a 47 year old!!

YouTube - Raw Video: Herschel Walker Wins MMA Debut

One thing I have learned is that you never say never!!
I've read many times here the dreaded 30 year old RB thoughts, some I'm sure came from you. If it is an almost automatic that RB's start to slow down at 30 and that is the general belief then how can you dream that he could make it at 50? Forgive me for saying what I really believe but you guys gotta be on some good stuff if you truely are convinced that he could play in the NFL at 50. Attempt to play, sure, an 80 year old could attempt it, if he was stupid enough, but actually play? Ain't going to happen. Just seeing that you'd even back the idea that he could do it knocks your opinions of other things NFL down a few pegs in my book. He and you are off of your rockers, no disrespect intended of course because I'm not a disrespectable type of guy.
I've read many times here the dreaded 30 year old RB thoughts, some I'm sure came from you. If it is an almost automatic that RB's start to slow down at 30 and that is the general belief then how can you dream that he could make it at 50? Forgive me for saying what I really believe but you guys gotta be on some good stuff if you truely are convinced that he could play in the NFL at 50. Attempt to play, sure, an 80 year old could attempt it, if he was stupid enough, but actually play? Ain't going to happen. Just seeing that you'd even back the idea that he could do it knocks your opinions of other things NFL down a few pegs in my book. He and you are off of your rockers, no disrespect intended of course because I'm not a disrespectable type of guy.
Boy, someone is a little defensive here.....

And yes, RB's breakdown at 30 from years or wear and tear and full workloads. They don't disappear, but they do slow down.

And 99.999999999% of guys who even thought about this would have NO shot.

And Walker has a 99% shot of this not working.....but again, you think that looks like a normal 47 year old??? Guy is in the shape he was in at 30......do I think he would be a star, hell no.....do i think he stands a shot of making an NFL team, yeah, from what I have seen, he has a shot. I don't think anyone is saying they are convinced he could do it....but I am not going to jump up and down and make comment like no way either.....if you open you eyes just a little in this world you will see examples of things all over the place that someone said there was no way to......again, never say never!

And if you want to let this effect the way you view other things I think......knock yourself out....good thing for me it will be a respectful KO ;)
Jack LaLanne looked great for most of the 97 years the he lived. Looks can be deceiving! Get back with me when you reach 50. I predict you'll be wiser by then.
Jack LaLanne looked great for most of the 97 years the he lived. Looks can be deceiving! Get back with me when you reach 50. I predict you'll be wiser by then.
Why's that?? It didn't work for you! :nannie: Especially if you are going to try to compare the way you felt at 50 to Walker......when is the last time you got into a cage and fought another man in a MMA match? Walker is already competing in one of the most brutal sports around......why do you feel he body holding up to MMA is that much different than his body holding up to the NFL? Just curious to how you view the difference. Training for MMA is crazy and brutal on your body yet he continues to do it.

By the way, reports are that Walker can still run a 4.5 which is crazy if it is true.
Ok, I listened to Herschel Walker on 2 radio show interviews yesterday. He said that they took the come back comments out of context. When he was asked about the NFL in the first interview, the one that put out this story, Walker said he thinks he could return to playing football and help out a team. He said as of right now he is not planning on a come back. He is focused on MMA and is totally into it.