help me out here


New Member
hey just joined im not really sure who to start some are obvious but ill let you know what i have to work with. im in a 14 person league. i start 1 qb 2 rbs 3 wrs 1 te 1 d 1 p

QBS P manning M Stafford
RBS D Williams J stewart K Moreno R Rice
WRS D Bowe B Marshall J Cotcherty D Hester S Breaston
TE O Daniels J finley
DEF Philly
K Folk

open to anyideas
its head to head btw
I would go:

Peyton Manning
D-Will, Ray Rice
Dwanye Bowe, Brandon Marshall, Steve Breaston
Owen Daniels
hey just joined im not really sure who to start some are obvious but ill let you know what i have to work with. im in a 14 person league. i start 1 qb 2 rbs 3 wrs 1 te 1 d 1 p

QBS P manning M Stafford
RBS D Williams J stewart K Moreno R Rice
WRS D Bowe B Marshall J Cotcherty D Hester S Breaston
TE O Daniels J finley
DEF Philly
K Folk

open to anyideas
its head to head btw

First welcome to SO! Glad you joined. Lineup wise I bolded who I would start. With quarterback I would not be starting Stafford over Manning at any point. DWill and Rice are your plays for sure. Stewart and Moreno haven't shown they can stay healthy this season. Rice and Williams are centerpieces of their respective offenses and should be in your lineup. Bowe and Breaston are your best plays for big numbers. I'm gambling a bit starting BMarshall but think he'll put up bigger numbers than Cotch and most certainly Hester. Daniels is still the #2 option in Houston and should be in your lineup if healthy.

All in all great lineup. Best of luck and I'm glad I don't have to play against you this week!