this one really REALLY depends on if this is a ppr league......
if it isn't, this trade really isn't close for me......Forte is too boom or bust for me in a standard league......Benson's usually good for 70 and the occasional TD, and it's getting colder in Cincy, so yeah, done deal
In PPR, this gets more complicated....Forte catches quite a fair amount of passes, Benson doesn't, so the gap at RB you make up from Williams - Austin what you're losing from Forte - Benson? It's probably VERY close in a PPR league, and in deals like that, it's more your gut feeling than anything for what I'd do? In PPR leagues I'm more about consistency than pop....I take Austin, plug Benson in, and hope I'm right.......of course if Blount tutns out to be the FT back from here out, you'll be fine w taking the deal......