FF Mags


Who Dey
Do you buy one? If so which one? Do you buy the same one each year?

I buy one each year (bathroom reading material ;) ), more of a ritual than anything else. I bought the ESPN one the last 2 years. It's OK, nothing special, few decent reads in there. Rankings are pretty cookie cutter.
I usually buy Fantasy Football Index I think its called. Honestly though, after spending a few years here its become pretty irrelevant. :thumbsup:
My wife bought me the NFL.com FF preview mag the other day. It was filled with pretty standard stuff but entertaining none the less.

Much more useful in-depth analysis here at SO.
Usually pick up 1 or 2 each off-season. Usually at a time when we are going to be doing a lot of traveling. Have not found one that was a must read and usually make my selection based on the one that looks the best (and is most current as some stay on the racks WAayyy to long to have much relevance).