Clinton Portis wants to play again


Think anyone will show an interest. I just wonder how low he would be willing to go in pay. He has been cleared to play (medically speaking) but is it too much of a risk. With talent like his you don't just lose it imo but I don't know how his body will hold out. He is 30 which isn't outrageous in age but he had some pretty serious health issues in the past 2-3 years. Like i said depending on what he thinks he should be paid determines the level of risk, for me anyways

[Efactor mode while reading this]:facepalm:[/Efactor mode]
Remember when those two ftp gophers were the talk of fantasy football?
MB3 and then his counter-part Maroney.

that party didn't last long
no-kidding, can't remember what year it was, but i think took maroney as my 2nd pick 1 year or at least 2nd RB and boy was I wrong
though still not as bad as taking Slaton/Forte as #1,#2 during their sophomore years which was by far my biggest bonehead move
In Forte's second year compared to his first he went from 12 TD's to 4, 1 fumble to 6, and 300 yard less rushing