Chris Johnson has regained must start status


Or he has with me. Did you get him on the cheap in a buy low trade earlier? Pat yourself on the back then because he's looking like CJ2K once again averaging a whopping 6.7 yards per carry over his last five contest. What's more is his blocking skills have become fantastic. He was picking up blitzes like a man pocessed Sunday and if he's ready, willing and able to pass protect then he's an every down RB. It's too late to sneak CJ off of another owner now but if you've got him on your team plug him in.
His TD vs the Dolphins was amazing, he ran to the right and got stacked up. So then he reverses field and slashes back and forth though all the Dolphins on that side of field, it was impressive.
In my main $$ league I traded off Bradford, DJax, LeShore, and an 8th Rd 2013 pick for CJ2K, Romo, and Steve Johnson and a 3rd Rd pick 4 weeks ago

And straight across for MJD in my other local league back on Oct 4th