Chad OchoCinco does the Lambeau Leap

I love the guy flipping off the camera when this thing will be shown a million his momma is proud, lol.
LOL Fox wouldn't show it because of the guy giving the finger. I loved he did the leap I follow Ochocinco on Twitter and he said he was going to do it if he got a TD.
I like how the guy flipping the finger still felt the need to try to touch him while he gave the finger. Priceless!
lol, I know, he was patting him on the back and flipping off the camera....guy looked like a's not like he was evening flipping off chad.....
lol, I know, he was patting him on the back and flipping off the camera....guy looked like a's not like he was evening flipping off chad.....
It's being reported that Chad bought 4 tickets, so I bet he bought the tickets for the 2 Bengal fans and the Packer fan on either side of them. That would explain how the 2 Packer fans pretended to be pissed while they broke their arms trying to reach out and touch him.