tick tick tick tick
Perhaps it's the clock counting down to the next great screw up by the talented but troublesome WR.
Excellent points.Perhaps you're right, perhaps the age difference does play into the way we view the game of football, granted I have no idea how old you are but I would venture to guess that my 24 years are younger than yours.
Here's the way I see it...Chad getting fined for wearing an orange chin strap does not effect his team in any way, shape or form. In fact it is ridiculous that this is even a topic of discussion as when Mr. Tom Brady was fined in 2007 for not having his chin strap properly buckled (which could have wound up hurting him) hardly a word was mentioned.
But that's not really what we're talking about here, is it? We're now discussing those penalties that are effecting his team, the endzone celebrations and what not. Let me ask you this, how is number 85 doing an interpretation of the River Dance any different from Bret Favre running up and down the field jumping around like Tom Cruise on Oprah's couch any different? Both are showboating, yet only one is getting fined. Sort of a double standard, don't you think?
I think the difference between the way that you and I view football (and please note that I did put I think there as I cannot be truly sure of your opinion until it is well stated) is that you are irked by celebrations that hurt no one and I am irked by cheap shots and dirty tackles that can in fact lead to injury. This should be our biggest concern, this should be what we and the media are talking about, not someone dancing after scoring or wearing an orange chin strap (which, by the way, matched the helmet perfectly).
Perhaps you're right, perhaps the age difference does play into the way we view the game of football, granted I have no idea how old you are but I would venture to guess that my 24 years are younger than yours.
Here's the way I see it...Chad getting fined for wearing an orange chin strap does not effect his team in any way, shape or form. In fact it is ridiculous that this is even a topic of discussion as when Mr. Tom Brady was fined in 2007 for not having his chin strap properly buckled (which could have wound up hurting him) hardly a word was mentioned.
But that's not really what we're talking about here, is it? We're now discussing those penalties that are effecting his team, the endzone celebrations and what not. Let me ask you this, how is number 85 doing an interpretation of the River Dance any different from Bret Favre running up and down the field jumping around like Tom Cruise on Oprah's couch any different? Both are showboating, yet only one is getting fined. Sort of a double standard, don't you think?
I think the difference between the way that you and I view football (and please note that I did put I think there as I cannot be truly sure of your opinion until it is well stated) is that you are irked by celebrations that hurt no one and I am irked by cheap shots and dirty tackles that can in fact lead to injury. This should be our biggest concern, this should be what we and the media are talking about, not someone dancing after scoring or wearing an orange chin strap (which, by the way, matched the helmet perfectly).
Make up your mind whether you want to be on a football field or on Dancing With the Stars
Lord you guys need to relax.
Dancing with the stars, elementary school, or well you get the point. Any planned celebration that you know darn well will cost your team is punk mentallity, glory seeking, look at me BS! He gets paid millions to play football to the best of his ability and to follow the rules. He refuses to follow the rules and IMO his best years are behind him. His one man show has worn it self out with me. He's like a record skipping, SOS...over and over. (Do you remember records?)
Oh yeah, speaking of that age thing, we rode horses to school, on occasion at least, back when I was in high school. The milk truck still came around the neighborhood each morning when I was in grade school. Yep, I've got a couple two or three years on ya, LOL. Have a great day!