Calling all Outlaws, Need some Discussion on the topic of the week - Congrats Orgazmo


Who Dey
Need some help once again to win the weekly contest at the BWW micro-site. Best discussion for the week will give the site some added prizes for the playoff challenge.

This week i am looking at 2nd half surprises. Let me know what you think and let me know who you feel could fit this mold as well.

Please join in on the discussion here:
2nd Half Surprises | Buffalo Wild Wings Fantasy Football
Thanks to all the Outlaws! I will have another topic this week.

As a thanks, I am selecting the poster who added the most to the discussion and sending them a BWW's lawn chair!!

The winner this week is: Orgazmo!

Congrats O, and thanks to everyone who helped out! I am looking forward to a heck of a playoff challenge prize pool this season!