Braylon Edwards vs. Michael Crabtree


Well-Known Member
So i zoned out during one of my drafts and ended up with an unhealthy ratio of 49ers... i know crabtree has been recovering from an injury (what makes this even worse is i ended up drafting gore on the same team, i figure im stuck w gore) i guess the plan is to try and trade one if not both wr, however for the time being i have to start one or the other today vs sea... also who would you trade in the longer run
Crabtree got dropped in my 12 team money league and no one has made a move to pick him up.

That ought to tell you something.

I'd go Braylon if only because he has never sucked as a 49er.
yeah i got braylon in just cuz he got all the preseason looks... honestly id rather have neither... but still got all crabtree's tech moments on the brain so i dont think i could just drop him... yet