Bleeping bleep! Bleep bleep bleep Vick!


Bacon=greatest of all!
So going into Monday's game I am sitting pretty. 45pts ahead of my opponent with David Akers still left to play.

My opponent has Vick. No problem, even if he has a great night he could only score maybe 40 right. And I should be assured of victory because if Vick does go off at least Akers will post a few pts to pad my lead right?


Even with Akers 12 added pts I lose by 5 as Vick proceeds to throw up 60pts. :thud:

In all my years of FF I don't recall any single player that has resurrected victory against such overwhelming odds.

About 5 years ago I was in a championship game and down by 19 with only my defense left to play. Pittsburg posted 20 and pushed me to victory. It was unlikely to happen but within the realm of known possibility.

What happened to me this week was beyond belief...

...I just need a hug right now.:sadbanana:
What happened to Desean Jackson the second half? Was he pulled to keep him healthy? That little disappearing act caused the Vick owner I played against to squeak past me by 4 lousy points. :xpissed:
I was on the good end of this problem. Although in my league Vick only scored me 52 and I was only down 27 with my opponent having the Philly Defense. I was up by 20 at half time.