It's changed a bit from 05. The man who created it sold it about two years.
I know they added more teams and increased the prize money. Biggest change is the playoff format. Four teams make it now instead of just two. I actually like that change.
Rules seem the same as far as scoring. What I like this year is that I don't see a player that will give the guy drafting #1 a huge advantage. When Priest and LT were in their primes, the combination of Yardage, TDs and receptions (ppr) gave the guy who got lucky enough to draw the #1 hole a huge head start. I drafted 8, 11 and 11 again. I did very well but it was an uphill climb to overcome drafting at the bottom, especially when you can't make trades.
Anyway, pretty sure I'm going. My son turns 21 in August and is a good fantasy player. Seems like a good 21st birthday present. Vegas and football.........