Amendola could be out longer than projected?



According to FOX's Jay Glazer, Danny Amendola has sustained torn adductors.
The adductor muscles connect the hips to the legs. Glazer adds that Amendola has gotten conflicting reports from doctors on whether he has a sports hernia. He's gathering more opinions and will then decide how to proceed. If Amendola needs surgery to repair a sports hernia, he'll likely miss 4-6 weeks. If not, he could be back within 1-4 weeks. So we have a fluid situation and a wide 2-6 week timetable. Julian Edelman will be a candidate for 8-10 catches weekly while Amendola sits.
I'm not in this boat, but damn there is nothing worse than taking an injury risk with huge upside, seeing said upside, then seeing said injuries occur.

Brady is scary now even when Gronk comes back