Am I overvaluing MJD?


Standard ppr dynasty

Being offered Wells + R.Williams + 1.05 for MJD. I'm asking for more. Too greedy?


Well-Known Member
MJD is gonna fall fast, you're right to get rid of him asap. that said, this trade is kinda whack id get a more definite centerpiece than beanie


You know the answer, young Jedi.

how do you wreck a bowling ball?

The cat is one year wiser. The cats are finally starting to pass.
Was moving MJ Drew on your list of things to do?
plus, who do you drop to make room?

we don't know your other rb's
we don't know how many you start.

something you are thinking about for sure.
something is holding you back.

even just for the 1.05 pick it's worth a look

posted with all due respect


Start:1 QB, 2 RB, 2 WR, 1 TE, 1 Flex (RB/WR/TE)

Roster (relevant players):
  • QB - Roeth
  • RB - MJD, Greene, BJGE, Tate, Ridley
  • WR - Roddy, Colston, Maclin, Crab
  • TE - Gronk, Gonzo, Petti


and the offering roster looks like, my bad i should have asked.
and dang, how many teams?
size of bench, i guess should be a factor

R. Williams and Wells are just Miller 64, compared to the Guinness that is MJD.

however, that 1.05 is tasty.

you prob don't want Williams or Wells, so trade for draft picks and see what that nets.


what did ya do?
that's roy williams, right?

I love the 1.05 pick since it's dynasty.
if you haven't already concluded this matter,
what if you packaged crabtree into the deal for a bump in one of the players he is offering, or for a first round pick next year too?

crabtree can be good in the future, but imho he needs more coddling and reassurance than the Niners will give him.
Cat, like so many other cats that play wr, needs Strokin'.