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  1. Baldie

    Derek Carr

    So I have Palmer and Manning on my team. Palmer has a Bye this week so I have to start Manning @ Indy. I just saw Carr available on WW. Is he worth a pick-up to play in spots long term? Should I drop Manning for Carr?I have 3 TE's on my team, maybe I can drop one for Carr? I have Davis, Watson...
  2. Baldie

    Vernon Davis

    I had him earlier in the season but dropped him and has been on the WW. I dropped him for Watson. So I currently have Watson and Eifert on my team. With the news of the trade to Denver, should I try and pick him back up???
  3. Baldie

    flex advice week 7

    Mike evans, fitz, or smith sr today?
  4. Baldie

    TE Advice

    I currently have Eifert and Watson on my team. I saw Reed, Ebron, Rodgers, and Donnell available on WW as of right now. Any of these guys an upgrade over Watson????? This would be someone I would have to start this weekend because Eifert is on bye.
  5. Baldie

    Flex Advice - Week 7

    Who would you start at Flex? Blount vs NYJ Evans @ Wash Smith Sr @ AZ
  6. Baldie

    Flex Advice - Week 6

    Which guy should I start at Flex?? Fitz @ Pit Smith Sr @ SF Blount @ Indy
  7. Baldie


    These are the top 6 on WW based on total points so far....Bradford, Wilson, Smith, Fitzpatrick, Tannehill, Bortles
  8. Baldie


    Would you own him over Palmer or Manning? This is for the long stretch.
  9. Baldie

    Vernon Davis

    Is he worth keeping? I have Eifert as my other TE. Available on the WW: Barnidge, Reed, Ebron, Donnell
  10. Baldie

    WSIS Week 5

    Standard Scoring....qb/2rb/2wr/TE/flex Manning @ Oak Palmer @ Det Lynch @ Cin Ingram @ Phi Crowell @ Bal Blount @ Dal Evans vs Jax Fitz @ Det Green vs Sea Edelman @ Dal Smith Sr vs Cle Eifert vs Sea Davis @ NYG
  11. Baldie

    WSIS Week 3

    Its game day.....was just curious if Palmer would still be a start over Manning today?
  12. Baldie

    WSIS Week 3

    Yeah you had my exact picks. I made the mistake of starting Evans last minute last week instead of Fitz, which gave me the loss last week. As much of an SF fan that I am, the D is horrible right now. Fitz is a must this week. Who would have more upside you think though...Crowell or Coleman? Do...
  13. Baldie

    WSIS Week 3

    Standard scoring league...10 team league...QB/2RB/2WR/TE/Flex. I'm still looking for my first win. Each week I lose by just a couple points, it sucks. The past 2 years I've been the champ and 2nd runner up. I need to get back on track....:(. QB Palmer vs SF Manning @ Det RB Lynch vs Chi Ingram...
  14. Baldie

    Peyton Manning

    Every year I go after Brady, Ryan, or Brees. This year I figured Manning since he had a big season last year. Now I wish I had stuck with my normal pllan.
  15. Baldie

    WSIS Week 2

    Standard scoring league....10-team league...QB/2RB/2WR/TE/Flex. I know I'm weak at RB at this point but am on the lookout each week for any WW pick-ups. QB Manning @ KC Palmer @ Chi RB Lynch @ GB Ingram vs TB Blount @ Buf WR Green vs SD Edelman @ Buf Fitz @ Chi Smith Sr @ Oak Evans @ NO Lockett...
  16. Baldie

    Peyton Manning

    Thanks for the advice guys. I picked up Palmer on WW. I think I'm gonna start him this week @Chicago vs Manning@KC.
  17. Baldie

    Peyton Manning

    Is he someone you should start every week? He didn't do anything week 1 so should I be concerned. I normally draft a stud QB and go with him all year which has worked for me but this year is the first time I drafted Manning and wondering if I need to draft a 2nd QB? Kaep, Palmer, Flacco, Dalton...
  18. Baldie


    As the reigning champ from last season, I made it back to the dance =). Just need advice for one more week. Thanks everyone for the help this season and hope you all have a fun and safe holiday season!!!!! Standard Scoring.....2RB/2WR/TE/Flex QB (WW - Flacco, Newton, A Smith, Carr, Orton)...
  19. Baldie

    Week 16....WSIS Advice

    Looks like Julio is active but how much he'll do is the question. Should I start Julio or go with Douglas??
  20. Baldie

    Week 16....WSIS Advice

    Better than mia@min?