Votes that are up for ownership meeting next year:
Kick off - move ball spot to 35 instead of 30 for touch backs - added in is changing to allow teams to do onside kicks in any quarter(current rule is ONLY 4th) but still have to notify when they are onside kicking
Allowing more replay help on calls on the field - not missed calls, but calls that are questionable that were made - Penalties for hits on a defenseless player, grabbing the facemask, performing a horse-collar tackle, tripping, and running into or roughing the kicker would be able to be overturned if the change is adopted.
The bylaw proposals relate to three topics: (1) allowing teams to designate two players for return at the roster reduction to 53; (2) allowing clubs in the postseason to receive two additional designations from return from injured reserve from eight to 10; and (3) making point differential the third tiebreaker for awarding contracts via waivers.